Sunday, December 21, 2014

Destiny sniper rifle replica

I am not able to post full write ups again until my computer  is fixed or replaced, but i wanted to share my most recent project. I made a replica of a generic version of the Destiny sniper rifle. It is made from a wood frame with pvc, styre e, and acrylic  layered onto it. The scope is removable  and can be seen through  also.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

My new prop replica website is up and running !

I finally got a domain and a website up and running! Check out  for any updates, store, and pictures! Please share !

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Castlevania Combat Cross

I wanted to make something cool as a gift for my best friend, who has been very supportive and encouraging of my prop making hobby.  A few years ago while trying to decide on a new project, he suggested the Combat Cross as a project, and I finally  made one as a gift for him.

After getting a few reference photos from the internet and figuring out the scale, I souced some of the parts from pvc tubing of the right size and diameter. For the large spikes, I built a box around some pvc tube and filled the negative space with some smoothcast resin to make square tubes.

I then made the pyramid shaped end pieces out of sintra

I put it together and made the raised parts with Smooth On's Free form earth, which is pretty much identical to Apoxiesculpt.

I made a prototype plaque-thing-detail-thing from sintra and cast 2 copies to be more durable and be the same on both sides.

I started on the top part, which detaches from the base and is attached by a chain. I once again made the spikes from sintra and cast them in Smoothcast..

Whenever I cast something in the shop, I often have a little resin left over which I will pour into a plastic cup. I will keep doing  this until eventually the cup is full and when I need to lathe a part, I just peel off the cup and chuck it in the lathe ! I used one of these to make the handle spike, getting the round shape right first and then adding the facets with the belt sander.

     The spike is attached to the handle by gluing a piece of a smaller diameter tube that fits perfectly into the handle, to the bottom of the spike. I then filled the smaller tube with resin, making it able to plug the spike into the handle like a lego.
      Finally, I attached the plastic chain to the spikes, and to a slide that slides up and down inside the handle, stopping at the top.

I bought some leather strap from Joann's for the handle, but it was stiff and new looking so I had to distress the leather. I rolled it, folded it, twisted it, and even whipped a maple tree with it to get it softer and distressed, and it worked !

 I had never tried to do the level of weathering that I tried on this project, I learned some new things and went through at least 5 paint jobs ! I finally came up with a prop I am proud of. Thanks for reading !

Monday, May 26, 2014

BOOKER CATCH ! Bioshock Infinite Whistler (Songbird flute)

I really loved playing Bioshock Infinite, and especially loved the weapons and item designs in the game. This is my 3rd build from the series, the Whistler !

There was very little reference images out there, so it was tough to see how this thing would go together. I started with some of the basic shapes in a mock up and went from there.

I was pretty proud of some of the round parts, no laser cutting here ! All done by hand with sand paper.

I used PEX tubing for the pipes

I added some details and drew a picture of Goku !

A few more details, paint, and weathering, along with sculpting the bird medallion and I had a finished Whistler !

Iron Spawn Helmet

This is a work in progress on my Iron Man- Spawn helmet crossover project. It's not finished, but I wanted to share what I have as this is taking forever!

I started off with an unfinished Iron Man Helmet project that needed help. It was made from a pepakura base of a Sharkmark file.

After looking at a bunch of Spawn faces on Google, I free handed a design for the "mask", Then cut some thin strips of Sintra to make the outline.
It was then filled in with sintra scraps, both to fill in the void, and to maintain the same depth.

It was all filled in with Bondo !
I cut out the Spawn symbol from some styrene
....and put them on some custom ear pucks I made

After tons and tons of sanding, I finally got the basecoat of black paint on, and masked it off for the white

After paint, I put in some green led's and experimented with teeth in the jaw and BLAM ! .... Iron Spawn !

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Bioshock Infinite shotgun

Ever since building the Triple R  from Bioshock infinite, I have wanted to build another weapon from the game. I finally decided on the Shotgun as a quick build.

I started off by printing a screenshot of the shotgun to scale, and started cutting out parts.

I used poplar for the wood parts this time, the red oak I used on the machine gun was a bit too dense for my weak tabletop bandsaw.  I also cut out a prototype lever, hammer, and trigger from some Sintra, and after getting the fit right, I molded them and cold cast them in aluminum powder.

I stained the wood a light walnut and added the top rail to the barrel. I also added some details and did some light weathering, pretty simple build !
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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Skyrim Ebony War Axe replica

The end of the year 2013 saw a lot of changes for me, mainly moving into a new house. The benefit of this move was finally having a proper shop space, rather that making props in my kitchen. My first real prop project in my new place is the Skyrim Ebony war axe. I really liked the shape and design, and it's one of the few Skyrim weapons that haven't been done to death yet.

First, using a pvc fitting and some Sintra, I made a "skeleton" 

Next, I used Apoxie Sculpt to make the blade edges and blend it all together

The collar was made from pvc fittings and pipe, the top spike was carved out of a block of sintra and shaped on a belt sander. The handle is a wooden dowel from the hardware store.

I then sanded, and sanded, and then..... sanded some more! Here I have stained the handle and sealed it with a clearcoat.

For the swirly bits, I printed up a picture of the axe head, sized to match my build, and used it as a template to trace the design onto the surface. I carved the design by hand with needle files.

Lastly, I did some dry brushing for the silver weathering, and sealed it with flat clear. I wrapped the handle good and assembled everything !

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Thursday, January 9, 2014

I haven't had much to update about since moving and I apologize. I have finally gotten my new shop space ready and should be starting a Skyrim prop soon ! Today I built a new workbench and organized ALL DAY ! here is my work area all clean and neat before I muck it up.